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<br />organized and existing under the laws of the
<br />inafter called the Grantor, and CITY OF SAN
<br />corporation of the State of California,
<br />hereinafter called the Grantee,
<br />yr LJ : as
<br />11-8-61
<br />RE: 475 114:546
<br />+� 1961
<br />a public corporation
<br />State of California, here-
<br />LEANDRO, a municipal
<br />W I T N E S SET H:
<br />THAT the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), lawful money of the United States of America
<br />to it in hand paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow-
<br />ledged, does hereby grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm, to the
<br />Grantee and to the Grantee's BMM successors and assigns forever to
<br />that certain real property situated in the City of San Leandro,
<br />County of Alameda , State of California described as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the southwestern
<br />line of Cherry Street with the southeastern line of 2nd Avenue,
<br />as said street and avenue are shown on the "Map of the Cherry
<br />Lynn Tract", filed January 24, 1908 in Book 23 of Maps, page 65,
<br />in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; running
<br />thence along the said line of 2nd Avenue, South 620 22' West (the
<br />bearing South 620 22' West being assumed for the purpose of this
<br />description), 145.32 feet to a point on the southwestern boundary
<br />line of the said "Cherry Lynn Tract"; thence along the last men-
<br />tioned line, North 270 38' West, 25.00 feet to a point on the
<br />center line of said 2nd Avenue, said last mentioned point being
<br />the Actual Point of Commencement; thence along the direct produc-
<br />tion of the said center line of 2nd Avenue, South 620 22' West,
<br />181.95 feet to a point on the northeastern boundary line of that
<br />certain strip of land 80.00 feet in width described in Deed from
<br />Alexander Rose, and wife, to Western Pacific Railway Company, a
<br />corporation, dated November 30, 1906, recorded December 20, 1906
<br />in Book 1254 of Deeds, page 211, Alameda County Records; thence
<br />along the said last mentioned line, North 49° 07' West, 202.96
<br />feet to a point on a line drawn parallel with the southeastern
<br />line of West Avenue 132, formerly First Avenue, distant 320.00
<br />feet southeasterly therefrom, measured at right angles thereto;
<br />thence along the said parallel line so drawn, North 620 22' East,
<br />256.28 feet to a point on the said southwestern boundary line of
<br />the "Cherry Lynn Tract"; thence along the said last mentioned line,
<br />South 270 38' East, 188.86 feet to the Actual Point of Commencement.
<br />This conveyance is made subject to all existing liens and
<br />encumbrances of record affecting said real property, and is also
<br />subject to all existing rights, rights of way, reservations, and
<br />easements by whomsoever held, in and to the real property herein -
<br />above described.
<br />- 1 -
<br />