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GREER MASON COMPANY <br />® INDUSTRIAL 3 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE <br />3 0 0 W e s t E s t u d i I I a, S a n L e a n d r a, C a l i f <br />T e l e p h o n e L O c k h a v e n 8- 3 9 7 2 <br />February 239 1966 <br />Title Insurance & Trust Company <br />105 Parrott Street <br />San Leandro, California <br />ESCROW NO: 607828-"A" RVISED - Pland File SL-193 AR3 (253 and 206) <br />ESCROW OFFICER: Judith Hottal <br />Please execute the following instructions in behalf of MICHAEL E. <br />NNEISH, Jib., hereinafter referred to as SELLER: <br />1. Obtain the cash sure of g401490.00 from the City of San Leandro, a <br />Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Buyer, and de- <br />posit said sum to the account of Seller. Authorized costs as <br />listed herein are to be paid from this account. <br />2. Pro -rate taxes as of date of conveying title. Please refer to <br />your item 1 above preliminary: The first installment of tax <br />account No. 75-172-8 has been paid by Seller; therefor, pro -rate <br />second installment only. <br />3. :rental payment of the within property will be paid direct to The <br />City of San Leandro out of escrow. The monthly rental of S200.00 <br />has been paid to Seller for the period of February 11 through 28, <br />1966. Rental beginning March 1, 1966 will be paid direct to The <br />City of San Leandro, by the tenant occupying said property. <br />4. Reference is hereby made to your item 41 above preliminary: <br />You have been furnished, by the legal firm of ldagener, Lynch 1 <br />Curran, a certified copy of "Decree Establishing Fact of DeathP1 <br />Action N0. 169222, of Matilda Morgan, aka Matilda Neish. <br />Record said Decree Establishing Fact of Death and charge recor- <br />dation fee to Seller. <br />5. Issue policy of Title Insurance in the amount of ''409500.00 <br />charge Buyer premium fee. <br />