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b1 <br />590209 <br />CO —.',% XING at the point of intersection of the <br />southeast line of Callan Avenue, as said avenue existed <br />January 1, 1958, widened to 56.75 feet, with the sout:ujest <br />line of the parcel of land described in the deed from <br />11, C, Grigsby to Louis Castro, dated June 19., 1872, an6 <br />recorded June 19, 1672 in Book 64 of Deeds, page 193, <br />Alameda County Records; thence south 70° 35' west 50 feet <br />along the said line of Callan Avenue; thence south 19' 25' <br />east 140 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence <br />north 70' 35' east 15 feet; thence south 190 25' east 7 <br />feet; thence south 70' 35' west 15 feet; thence north 19' <br />25' west 7 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Page 3 <br />