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Commencing at the point of intersection of the southeast line of Callan <br />Avenue, as said avenue existed January 1, 1958, widened to 56.75 feet, <br />with the southwest line of the parcel of land described in the deed <br />from H. C. Grigsby to Louis Castro, dated June 19, 1872, and recorded <br />June 19, 1872, in Book 84 of Deeds, page 19_, Alameda County Records; <br />thence south 700 352 west 50 feet along the said line of Callan Avenue; <br />thence south 190 25* east 140 feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING: <br />thence north 700 35' east 15 feet; thence south. 190 252 east 7 feet; <br />thence south 700 359 west 15 feet; thence north 190 25* west 7 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />8/4/5, <br />Herb: <br />on 7/21/58 City Council moved to accept tine offer and <br />exercise the option on the Supriano property for100 <br />and to instruct the City Attorney to settle the ecndemne <br />tion suit. At the request of Steve Chan filer, we issued <br />2 8 in the ar-ount of :�90.00 („10.00 p <br />a check on 7/ 5/5 <br />with option)to JAanuel & Mildred Thresa Supriano. <br />RM <br />