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t <br />bgl <br />550149 <br />SCHEDULE "A" <br />Cn; �; LING at the point of intersection of the <br />southwest line of Santa r.oss Street with the southeast line <br />of Callan `svenuc, as said street and avenue existed January <br />1, 195"; thence south 70' 35' west 333 feet 7 inches along <br />the last mentioned line to the P cutal i'oint of Beginning; <br />thence continuing, south 70' 35' West 75 feet 5 inches to <br />the aouthwert line of the parcel of land described in the <br />deed from John B. Ward,, to Alexander !�douart, <br />recorded January 30, 1667 in Tool= "U1" of Deeds, page 721, <br />Records of "lameda County, California; thence south 19" 25' <br />east 1L0 feet, more or less, alone the last mentioned line <br />tr. the northwest line of the parcel of land described in <br />the deed from Alexander idouart to Louis Castro, dated <br />December 10, 1867, recorded December 13, 1�67 in book 20' <br />of Deeds, page 466, Records of i'lameda County, California; <br />thence north 70' 351 east 75 feet 5 inclies; thence north <br />190 25' west 11;0 feet, more or less, to the point of <br />beginninc;. <br />Page 3 <br />