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it f <br />550203 <br />SCHEDULE "A" <br />CO�dKEI CILG at the point of intersection of the <br />old southeast line of Callan Avenue, with the southwest line of <br />the parcel of land conveyed by jolm Ward, Trustee, et. al., to <br />Lewis C. Morehouse, by deed dated October lcy, 1u66, and recorded <br />October 22, 1066, in book "W" of Deeds, page 186, Alameda County <br />Records; thence south 19' 251 east, 10 feet along the last <br />mentioned line to the actual point of being tree south- <br />east line of Callan Avenue, as said avenue existed January 1, <br />1956, widened to 56.75 feet; thence south 191 25' east, U#.O feet <br />aloi:g the said southwest lire of the Lewis C. Iviorehouse parcel <br />of land; thence north 700 351 east, 37.50 feet; thence north <br />19' 271 west, 140 feet to the said southeast line of Cellar, <br />Avenue, as it existed January i, 1956; thence south 700 351 <br />west, 37.50 feet alone; the last mentioned lire to the point of <br />beginning. <br />Page 3 <br />