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r <br />�l <br />P3887 tE <br />1 library consisting of public buildings and grounds, which is a use authorized <br />2 by la •r.` <br />3 IT IS RRITHM MDCRED, ADJUB(F-D AND DECREED that the real .prope rty <br />4 conderined herein is all that real property situated in the City of S:�n Leandro, <br />5 County of Alameda, State of California, and more particularly described as <br />6 follows: <br />7 C(NEXING at the northwestern corner of the parcel of <br />land conveyed by 11. C. Grigsby to J. li. Pa` e, by deed <br />8 dated June 19, 1"72 and recorded in boom 8 of Deeds, <br />page 351, Alameda County Records, being on the old Z <br />9 southeast lire o-'C"flan avenue; thence south 19. 251 <br />east, 10 feet along the southwest line of the said <br />10 ,parcel of land to the actual point of beginning, being <br />on the southeast, line of Callan Avenue, as said avenue <br />11 ?xisted January 1, 1958, widened to 56.75 feet; thence <br />south 70° 351 west, 60 feet along the last mentioned <br />12 line; thence south 19° 25t east, 10 feet; thence north <br />70° 351 cast, 60 feet to the said southwest line of the <br />13 above mentioned parcel of land; thence north 19° 251 <br />west, 140 feet along the last mentioned line to the <br />14 point of beginning; <br />15 together with all the rights, casements, and appurtenances ther-,unto helonging <br />16 or in anywise appertaining. <br />17 Dated: <br />DEC 1 51958 <br />18 <br />19 Thomas J. Ledwich <br />20 Judge of the Superior Court <br />21 <br />22 <br />regow Instmm�al <br />23 is a <br />t con of the add, $, <br />24 ate In this office <br />� 5.155a <br />25 ,Er t,ounty deck <br />26 <br />27 Agl <br />28 RECORDED REQUx9r <br />_- OF <br />29- <br />Ac.., <br />30 <br />31 <br />DEC 15 1958 <br />�.. . <br />I 10 <br />10 <br />'12 FF AL RECORD ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALWOMA <br />•- 2 — _ c�� • arr�nnFw <br />"'. T• <br />