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SCHEDULE A <br />COM1 a. IMG at the northeastern corner of the par- <br />cel of lard conveyed to H. Ravexes, by deed dated February 14, <br />1666 and recorded in book 29 of Leeds, page 475, Records of <br />Ala`aeda County, California, being; on the old southeast line of <br />Callan Avenue; thence south 190 251 east, 10 feet along the north- <br />east line of the above mentioned parcel of land to the actual <br />point of beginning, being on the southeast lire of Callan} <br />Avenue, 56.75 feet wide, as said avenue existed January 1, 1956; <br />thence north 70' J51 east, 68 feet, 2 inches, along the last <br />mentioned line; thence south 19' 251 east, 140 feet; thence <br />south 70" 351 west, 66 feet, 2 inches; thence north 19" �5t <br />west, 140 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Page 3 <br />