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b l <br />550150 <br />Ot <br />SCIEDULE A <br />I3LBrINITING at the most Northern corner of the parcel <br />nf land described in the deed from John :. Bard, as Trustee, <br />et. al. , to Lnuis Castro and wife, dated=1ovember 30, 1:j66, <br />recorded December 10, 1066, in book "J" of Leeds, page 456, <br />Records of Alameda County, California; thence north 19" 25' <br />west 11�O feet, more or less, to the southeast line of Callan <br />Avenue, 56.75 feet wide, as said evenae existed January 1, <br />1956; thence Bout!-, 70' 35' west 65 feet along the last <br />mentioned line; thence south 19' 25' east 140 feet, rsore or <br />less, to the northwest line of the above mentioned parcel of <br />land; thence north 70" 35' east 65 feet along the last <br />mentioned line to the point of beginning. <br />