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land to its intersection with the northwest line of Parcel 2, <br />as described in the deed from Clara Herrscher, a widow, to Rose <br />Enos, a single woman, recorded October 20, 1941, in book 4100 <br />of Official Records at page 484, Official Records of Alameda <br />County; thence south 700 35' west, 135 feet along the last <br />mentioned line and along the northwest line of Parcel 3, as <br />described in the last mentioned deed to the northwestern corner <br />of said Parcel 3, being on the said southwest line of the parcel <br />of land from Annexation Investment Co., to Clara Herrscher; <br />thence north 19' �5' west, 7 feet along the last mentioned line <br />to the point of beginning. <br />Page 3 <br />