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1 <br />S <br />3 <br />4 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />13 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25i <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32, <br />Lin <br />AR 3254 <br />D 2 E D <br />The CITY OF SAN LBANDRO, a municipal corporation, hereby gran s to the <br />SA. fg y -6 6s YY&/ <br />CdOCKBR ANGLO NATIONAL BANK, all that real prope /ty it, the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of the parcel of land described in the deed from <br />Julia Lima, formerly Maria J. Perry, to the City of San <br />Leandro, a municipal corporation, recorded September 24, <br />1957 in Book 8476, Page 377, Official Records of Alameda <br />County, being also a portion of the parcel of land described <br />in the deed from Anna Bernardett Perry, a single woman, to <br />the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, recorded <br />September 25, 1957, in Book 8478, Page 33, Cfficial Records <br />of Alameda County, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the point of intersection of the southern <br />line of hest Juana Avenue (formerly Saunders Avenue) with <br />the eastern line of Washington Avenue; thence south 280 <br />east 300.56 feet along the last mentioned line to the most <br />western corner of the first mentioned parcel of land, being <br />bthe ACTUAL POINT CF BEGINNING; thence north 620 east 120 <br />h feet along the northwestern line of said parcel to the <br />qy most northern corner of said parcel; thence south 2So cast <br />41.55 feet along; the northeastern line of said parcel and <br />along the northeastern line of the second mentioned parcel <br />of land to a non -tangent curve concave to the north and <br />having a radius of 72.15 feet, a rauial line at said curve <br />bearings south 20 20. 53" east; thence northwesterly 11.47 <br />feet along said curve to a reverse curve concave to the <br />south and having a radius of 158 feet; thence northwesterly <br />95.87 feet along said reverse curve to a tangent line; <br />thence south 620 west 10 feet along said tangent line to a <br />tangent curve concave to the north and having a radius of <br />12 feet; thence southwesterly, westerly, and northwesterly <br />11.85 feet along the last mentioned curve to its intersectiou <br />with the said eastern line of Washington avenue; thence north <br />i 280 west 2.21 feet along the last nentioned line to the <br />' point of beginning. <br />Dated: Decenber 7, 1959 <br />CITY CF SAti LEANU.t(, a municipal <br />corporation <br />Attest; <br />� O City C1 1: <br />r � <br />�` ENGINEERING <br />JAN 2 / 1997 <br />TRANSPORTATION <br />gy <br />