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OFFL "E OF THE <br />CITY NIANA7,2R <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CITY HALL - 835 EAST 14TH STREET <br />SAN I EANDRO. CAIAF0IANIA <br />November 2T, 1964 <br />Title Insurance & Trust Company <br />105 Parrott Street <br />3aa Leandro, California <br />Gentlemen., <br />Please refer to your escrow 1606538, dated August 24, 1964, Union oil <br />Company property - <br />Enclosed are the following: a City warrant in the smount of $T6,56T.00, <br />a photostat copy of an option deseribiu6 the property to be conveyed, and a <br />signed but undated certificate of authorization by the City Clerk accepting <br />the deed on behalf of the City. Full price of the property being taken is <br />$T695TT-00 -.. $10.00 having been paid to the owners at the time of taking the <br />option. <br />Please prepare a deed describing the optioned property, conveying title <br />from Union Oil Campeny of California to the City of inn Leandro, a Municipal <br />Corporation. Taxes and rents are to be prorated as of the data of recording; <br />the deed. By sraraarate copy of this letter I am requesting the preaeut owner <br />to make arrangements with you to sign the deed. Upon recordation of the deed <br />and isamnee of the policy of title insurance, shoring title vested in the <br />City tree and clear of all encumbrances, you are authorized to deliver payment <br />to the persons entitled thereto. <br />Please have the deed recorded and returned to the City Manager's Office, <br />City Hall, San Leandro, California. Please make a note of this laet iustrue - <br />tion on the back of the dead. Also, send title insurance and closing state- <br />mnt to the City Manager's Office. <br />If you have any questions, please contact me. <br />LER:eh <br />Enne 1. <br />cc: City Clerk <br />Publie Works Director <br />Finance Officer <br />Union Oil Company <br />Very truly yours, <br />L. E. Riordan <br />Assistant City Manager <br />