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0 P T I O N <br />In consideration of - TFj ANE ��QO____ _ � _��_ 10,L00 <br />we <br />The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,-1--hereby gi-re to - DiQ CITY OF SAN <br />hereinafter referred <br />to as Opt;_onee, the option of buying, for the full price of _ STY_ SIX THOUSAND <br />FIVE-HUNMO-SEVEM-SEVEN-AND-NL)/LO.Q = ="= ($-7k,.577.Q0- - - _)DOLLARS, <br />the following described real property situated in the City of _ -San Leandro, _ <br />County of _ _ Alada - _ _ -, State of California, and more particularly <br />described as follows, to wit: - --------- - - - - - - -----_- <br />Optionee shall have the right to close this application at any time within <br />we <br />_ _9Q dUS- - - from date hereof, and -� agree to execute and deliver to <br />11*7 <br />Optionee, or to any one named by Optionee, a good and sufficient Grant Deed. On <br />we are <br />execution of said deed o be paid the further sum of SEVENTY SIX THOUSAND <br />FIyE_HUNQRF,D_SjXaySEVDLANDNo/.IOQ _($- _7, ,_561.Q0 _) DOLLARS, in full payment <br />of the purchase price of said real property; but if said option is not closed <br />we are <br />within _ _ - 9Q-days - - - from date hereof, to retain the said sum of <br />TEN INND - _ -)DOLLARS, so paid as aforesaid, as liquidated <br />damages. If said Option is closed within the said _ -9,9��XS - - _ -, the <br />amount paid as aforesaid is to be applied towards the purchase price. Time is <br />of the essence of this contract. <br />Dated this - _ .3Lday of - _jUly _ _ _ _ _, 19 §4 <br />_ U�[ZON OIL ONPANY OF CALIFORNIA <br />Vi - sid)ent :-�keiin�g� <br />— <br />V `ice nt <br />Assistant Secretary <br />Ftate-ei 814eF'nia )-s <br />County of Alameda ) <br />On this day of _ _ - .19 _, before me, the une', -igned ry <br />Public, personally appeared <br />known to me to be the person_ descriL%, i w%ose name_ _ _ _ subscribed <br />to and who executed the within i-;r� a acknowledged to me that <br />executed the same. <br />Notary Public in and for said County and <br />State <br />.X 3 <br />