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.. RE.1549 IM:776 <br />EXHIBIT "A" _ <br />C.;41 the- nosh northern correr**of Tract 21439 as said tract io shown <br />on the map recorded 1:arch 16, 1961 in Zook 44 of ;:cars, at :-ago l), et seq, <br />records of said county; thence Along the prolongation of the northwe.,tern line <br />of said Tract 2143, north 62° 30' 00" east, 4.Oo0 feet to the northeastern rii,ht <br />of way line of Doolittle Drive, as said drive w.;a f:idened by deed to t;:e City <br />of San Leandro recorded June 22, 1961 in .%eel 350, lmar:e 633. Official Records <br />of said County; and the Actual Point'of Beginning of the parcel of lz,nd <br />herein being described. Thence along the last mentioned line south 27` 30' 00" <br />east 70.000 feet to a point of cusp; thence northeasterly along the Zxc of a <br />curve concave to the southeast, from a tangent which bears north 27° 30' 00" <br />west, having a radius of 20 feet; through a central angle of 90*, an arc distance <br />of 31.416 feet; thence north 62° 30, 00" east 3,6.750 feet; thence souTheasterly <br />along the arc of a tangent curve concave to the southwest, having a riAdiva of <br />20 feet, through a central angle of 90' an arc distance of 31.416 feet; thence <br />south 27° 30' 00" east 635.000 feet; thence north 62° 30' 00" a&c;t 60.000 feet; <br />thence north 270 30' 00" west 635.000 feet; thence northeasterly alon- the arc <br />of a tangent curve concave to the southeastg having a ri,dius of 20 foot, through <br />a central angle of 90° an arc distance of 31.416 feet; thence north 620 30' 00" <br />Last 339.?34 feet to the southwestern line of N.enlo 0'treet, 100 feet wide;thence <br />along the last mentioned line, north 27° 31' 00" west 50.000 fe-t to the <br />intersection with the prolongation northeasterly of the northwestern line of <br />said Tract 2143; thence along said prolongation south 62" 30, 00" west 616.470 <br />feet to the actual point of beginning. <br />This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by <br />Deed or Grant, dated January 8, 1965 , from <br />V,orinc )EVEI._prLnt <br />to the City of San Leandro, a <br />accepted on behalf of the Cit <br />pursuant to authority conferre <br />adopted on June 19, 1961, and <br />thereof by its duly authorized 4 <br />Dated: <br />July 9, 1 <br />y <br />municipal corporation, is hereby <br />Council of the City of San Leandro, <br />d by Resolution of the City Council <br />the grantee consents to recordation <br />11 9- 1 P4 <br />