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REAL PROPERTY in the t.,ity of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />A PORTION of Lot "W", in Block "R", as said lot and block are <br />shown on the "Map of Mulford Gardens Manor, etc.", filed play 1, <br />1929, in book 8 of Maps, page 5, in the office of the County <br />Recorder of Alameda County, described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at the intersection ,of the northeastern line of <br />Doolittle Drive, as shown on the map of "Tract 2143, City of <br />San Leandro, Alameda County, California", etc., filed March 16, .� <br />1961, in book 44 of Maps, page 19, in the office of the County <br />Recorder of Alameda County, with the southeastern line of Fairway <br />Drive, formerly West Avenue 137,and shown as Second Avenue on <br />said map of Mulford Gardens Manor, and running thence along said <br />southeastern line of Fairway Drive south 620 30' west, 80 feet; <br />thence north 270 30' west, 30 feet to the northwestern line of <br />said Fairway Drive, being the actual point of beginnings thence <br />along said northwestern line of Fairway Drive, south 62 30' <br />west, 34 feet to a point of cusp; thence northeasterly, north- <br />erly and northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left, the <br />center of which bears north 270 30' west from said point of cusp, <br />with a radius of 34 feet, through an angle of 900, an arc distance <br />of 53.41 feet to a point of cusp, with the southwestern line of <br />Doolittle Drive; thence along said southwestern line south 27 <br />30' east, 34 feet to the actual point of beginning. (&XTt-tXtUdA*--,f <br />a.. -tort 44 06 ? Fi / Gcya.t'.. t-A•-Z . <br />REJ627 4698 <br />This is to cez :y that the interest in real pi srty conveyed by <br />Deed or Grant, dated, /D - / from <br />to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporatioI is hereby <br />accepted on behalf of the City Council of the City of San Leandro, <br />pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution of the City Council <br />adopted on June 19, 1961, and the grantee consents to recordation <br />thereof by its duly authorized officer. <br />Dated: <br />e� <br />West, ity Clerk of the it y of San Leandro <br />1 <br />