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AF59613 2wh8'700 P.4% 63 <br />D E E D <br />A <br />F. IT. VALLEY and GLADYS VALLEY, his wife, hereby grant to the City <br />of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, all that real property situated <br />in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwestern line of <br />Alvarado Street, as said street now e:-dsts since June 6, 1955) with the <br />southeastern line -of :tlie parcel of land described in the quit claim deed <br />by Eugene Rene LeRoy, to Kaiser Community Homes, datedI4arch 9, <br />1950, recorded April 2, 1951 in book 6398 of Official Records of Alameda <br />County, pale 137, (AF/27006); running thence along said line of Alvarado <br />Street south 281 13, 56" east 30.06 feet; thence from a tangent that bears <br />north 280 13, 5611 west along a curve to the left path a radius of 30 feet, <br />a distance of 47.19 feet to the southeastern line of said parcel of land <br />described in said deed to Kaiser Community Homes; and thence along the <br />last named line north 610 53' 1811 east 30.06 feet to the point of begin- <br />ning. <br />Dated: ��N`. / % ��. <br />nv�jgF <br />_ OR Of SAN LEANDRu <br />(x t� 63 <br />31 �,. a <br />