<br />The grantor, LUCKY STORES, INC., a California corporation, does
<br />hereby quitclaim unto the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation,
<br />all the right, title and interest of the said grantor in and to the
<br />following described real property situated in the City of San Leandro,
<br />County of Alameda, State of California, to wit:
<br />A portion of that parcel of land described in the Corporation
<br />Grant Deed from California Pacific Title Insurance Company, a
<br />California corporation,to Lucky Stores, Inc., a California
<br />corporation, dated May 24, 1961 and recorded May 25, 1961 in
<br />Reel 332, Image 518, Official Records of Alameda County
<br />described as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwestern line of
<br />Nimitz Freeway, as said line was described in the deed from
<br />Kaiser Community Homes, to the State of California, dated
<br />June 6, 1949, recorded July 8, 1949, in book 5837 of Official
<br />Records of Alameda County, at page 223 (ADm46424), with the
<br />southeastern line of the parcel of land described in the Quit-
<br />claim Deed from Eugene Rene LeRoy, et al., to Kaiser Community
<br />Homes, dated March 9, 1950, recorded October 6, 1950, in book
<br />6249 of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 30
<br />(AE-90687); and running thence along the last named line
<br />south 62° 30' west 1139.68 feet to the northeastern line of
<br />the parcel of land described in the deed to the City of San
<br />Leandro dated September 17, 1957, recorded October 10, 1957,
<br />in book 8490 of Official Records of Alameda County at page 591,
<br />(AMm100856); thence along the last named line northwesterly
<br />60 feet to the northwestern line of West Avenue 137; thence
<br />along the northeasterly prolongation of the said northwestern
<br />line of West Avenue 137 north 62° 30' east 1116.30 feet, more
<br />or less, to the aforementioned southwestern line of the Nimitz
<br />Freeway; thence along the said southwestern line of the Nimitz
<br />Freeway south 48° 47' 18'' east 64.39 feet, more or less, to
<br />the point of beginning.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor hereto has hereunto caused its -
<br />name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its officer thereunto duly
<br />9�'
<br />authorized this C�S_ — day of �A?: 1962 / ,
<br />LUCKY STORES, INC., a California
<br />corporation
<br />Nam n _Til e of Off i cer
<br />By
<br />Name and Title of Officer
<br />J
<br />aw
<br />