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A-7719 RE:167t 4840 <br />MI M REQUEST OP a<lr iY OF SAJI UA[JDR( <br />At- / - �,. ore 28 1965 �- <br />j JACK G. BLUE ��s Recorder. Alameda County. Callt. <br />Q� D E E D <br />BRUFREE, INC., a California corporation, hereby grants to the CITY OF <br />SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, all that land situated in the City of <br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />Parcel 1 <br />(All bearings and distances in this description are based on <br />the California Coordinate System, Zone III. To obtain ground distance, <br />multiply by 1.0000721.) <br />COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the westerly line of <br />Hesperian Boulevard, formerly Telegraph Road, 66.00 feet in width, <br />with a southerly line of that certain parcel of land described in <br />that certain deed from Alameda County -East Bay Title Insurance Com- <br />pany, a corporation, to D. Brunetti, dated April 13, 1949, and <br />recorded in Book 5806 of Official Records at page 57 thereof, <br />Records of Alameda County, California, and running thence along said <br />southerly line of said parcel of land North 89' 26' 23'' West (the <br />bearing of said southerly line being taken as North 89' 26' 23" <br />West for the purpose of making this description), 27.60 feet to a <br />point thereon; thence leaving said southerly line of said parcel of <br />land North 2° 03' 35'' West, 237.95 feet; thence northerly on the <br />arc of a curve to the right, tangent to last said course, the radius <br />of which curve is 3055.00 feet, a distance on said arc of 158.12 <br />feet; thence tangent to last said curve North 0° 54' 21'' East, <br />562.12 feet to an intersection thereof with a southwesterly line of <br />that certain parcel of land described in that certain Final Order of <br />Condemnation, Parcel 3, The People of the State of California vs. <br />D. Brunetti, and D. Brunetti as Trustee, et al., dated March 29, <br />1955, and recorded in Book 7613 of Official Records at page 429 <br />thereof, Records of Alameda County, California; thence along said <br />southwesterly line southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the right, <br />tangent at last said point to a course which bears South 63° 42' 56'' <br />East, the radius of which curve is 20.00 feet, a distance on said <br />arc of 22.56 feet; thence tangent to last said curve South 00 54' 21'' <br />West, 202.58 feet; thence South 2° 43' 13'' East, 514.99 feet; thence <br />South 0° 54' 21'' West, 223.02 feet to the point of commencement. <br />Containing 0.548 of an acre, and being a portion of the afore- <br />said parcel of land described in that certain deed to D. Brunetti. <br />Parcel 2 <br />(All bearings and distances in this description are based on <br />the California Coordinate System, Zone III. To obtain ground dis- <br />tance, multiply by 1.0000721.) <br />COMMENCING at the point of intersection of an easterly line of <br />that certain parcel of land described in that certain deed from <br />Alameda County -East Bay Title Insurance Company, a corporation, to <br />D. Brunetti, dated April 13, 1949, and recorded in Book 5806 of <br />Official Records at page 57 thereof, Records of Alameda County, <br />California, with the northerly line of Lewelling Boulevard, formerly <br />Main Street, 56.00 feet in width, and running thence along said <br />northerly line of Lewelling Boulevard North 89° 26' 23'' West (the <br />bearing of said northerly line being taken as North 89° 26' 23" <br />West for the purpose of making this description), 98.80 feet to a <br />point thereon; thence leaving said northerly line of Lewelling <br />Boulevard North 0° 33' 37'' East, 4.00 feet; thence North 770 33' 03" <br />West, 104.68 feet; thence South 89' 14' 01'' East, 201.39 feet to an <br />intersection thereof with the aforesaid easterly line of the afore- <br />said parcel of land; thence along said easterly line South 0° 54' 21'' <br />West, 24.84 feet to the point of commencement. <br />CITY QF SA N UV414 <br />