Foe �.FAGt
<br />ACC 154817
<br />1�
<br />GOLDEN STATE THEATRE & REALTY CORPORATION, a corporation organized under
<br />the laws of the State of California, does hereby GRANT TO The CITY OF C.
<br />SAN LEANDRO, A Municipal Corporation, the real property situated in Cc
<br />the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California,
<br />described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the northern line
<br />of the parcel of land described in the quitclaim deed from
<br />R. H. Macy and Company, Inc., and Capitol Company to Day -Fair,
<br />a California Corporation, recorded February 6, 1956, in
<br />Book 7926, page 525, Official Records of Alameda County,
<br />with the eastern line of Hesperian Boulevard, 60 feet wide;
<br />thence north 00 26. 00" west 60.00 feet along the last
<br />mentioned line; thence north 890 34' 00" east 32.00 feet;
<br />thence south 00 26' 00" east 17.92 feet to a tangent curve o
<br />••:..• concave to the northeast, having a radius of 42.00 feet, o
<br />and a delta of 900 03. 50"; thence southeasterly and Z
<br />easterly along said curve 66.02 feet to a point of cusp with 1,
<br />the said northern linen of the first mentioned parcel of
<br />land; thence south 89 30' 10' west 74.05 feet along the rTI
<br />m
<br />I last mentioned line to the point of beginning. r)
<br />Being a portion of Lot 2, of the "Map of the Coelho Tract,
<br />�K Eden Tp., Alameda County, California", filed December 1.1,
<br />1899 in Book 15 of maps, page 100 in the office of the
<br />County Recorder of Alameda County. ,q
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused its corporate name and J.
<br />seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its duly 0
<br />authorized officers this 13th day of November, 1959. 1
<br />Corporate Seal
<br />B ';l �Z President
<br />AFFIXED R ASecretary
<br />17
<br />State of California )ss.
<br />City& County of San Francisco )
<br />On this 13th Pay of November,l9Afore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />in and for said County and State, personally appeared M. A. Na ify
<br />known to me to be the president,
<br />and Marshall Na ify known to me to be the
<br />Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within Instrument, knowri to
<br />me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the
<br />Corporation t herein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation
<br />executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of
<br />its board of directors.
<br />��. !;'T'I'NESS my he and off'cia]. e•a].
<br />414�
<br />(SEAL)........ .........`!Y................. . . ..........
<br />Nota lic in and for said County and State Tj,,v A. bc6c..s
<br />This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the
<br />deed or grant deed dated November 13, 1959 from GOLDEN STATE THEATRE &
<br />REALTY CORPORATION, a California corporation to the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO,
<br />a political corporation, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council
<br />of the City of San Leandro on December 16, 1957, and the grantee consents
<br />to recordation its duly authorized officer.
<br />DATED:....0
<br />By.....Y.i.`f .......�...... ..�.....
<br />H. H� -BIIRBANR, City Clerk
<br />V
<br />