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Recorded at the request of AS pp r. r^ <br />RECORDED WESTOFYK• 251 Ru"". 6 <br />- - Wes le <br />Guaranty Company <br />at &,30 ■.m. <br />Return <br />Yose G; Bautista <br />City of San Leandro <br />CityIiall------------------------------------- -------- <br />San Leandro, California <br />- - ------ - -- ----- <br />JAN 2 5 1961 <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTYCALIFORNIA <br />No Rm Bill $7 <br />COUNTY RECORDER <br />-Beeb of Vartial Reconbepance W. T.-76o-1/2. II <br />Pursuant to a written request made by the beneficiary the undersigned, as <br />trustee in the deed of trust executed by THE CONFERENCE BOARD OF MISSIONS OF THE <br />CALIFORNIA-NEVADA ANNUAL CONFERFNCE OF THE METHODIST CHURCH, a corporation <br />to WESTERN TITLF GUARANTY COMPANY, A corporation, <br />as trustee dated July 219 1959s , and recorded in the office of the Recorder of the <br />County of Alame da, , State of California, in <br />Book 9125 of Official Records at page 221 A does hereby grant and reconvey unto the <br />person or persons legally entitled thereto, without warranty, all the estate and interest derived to the trustee under <br />said deed of trust, in that portion of the lands therein described, situated in the City Of Sari Leandro, <br />County of Alame da, , State of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of the parcel of land described in the deed from Giuseppina Ghiglio <br />to Michele Ghiglione and Giuseppina Ghiglione, his wife, dated May 9, 1958 <br />and recorded May 15, 1958 in Book 8671, page 33li, Official Records of Alameda <br />County, described as follows: Commencing at the western extremity of that <br />certain curve having a radius of 30.00 feet which connects the southeastern <br />line of Lewelling Boulevard, 66 feet wide, also known as County Road No. <br />1007, with the western line of Washington Avenue, also known as County <br />Road No. 80450 as described in instrument from Richfield Oil Corporation, <br />a Delaware Corporation, to County of Alameda, dated October 29, 1952 and <br />recorded January 5, 1953 in Book 6915, page 341, Official Records of Alameda <br />County; thence south 620 001 west (south 620 OOt west being taken as the <br />basis of bearings for this description) 377.95 feet, more or less, along <br />the said line of Lewelling Boulevard to its intersection with the eastern <br />line of that certain 5 acre parcel of land described in deed from Duncan <br />Cameron to E. H. Gansberger, dated February 3, 18?9 and recorded February 15, <br />1879 in Book 1?5 of Deeds, page 4200 Alameda County Records, said point of <br />intersection being the actual point of beginning; thence south 00 �51 east <br />16.87 feet along the last mentioned line to its intersection with a line <br />parallel with the said line of Lewelling Boulevard and 15.00 feet (measured <br />at right angles) southeasterly therefrom; thence south 620 001 wrist 388.34 <br />feet along said parallel line to its intersection with the western line of <br />the first mentioned parcel of land; thence north 00 45t west 16.87 feet <br />along the last mentioned line to the said southeastern line of Lewelling <br />Boulevard; thence north 620 001 east 388.3l feet along the last mentioned <br />line to the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contaJ-na-54825.10 square feet, more or <br />less. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has executed these presents by its officers thereunto duly authorized, <br />this 23rd day of January r 19---61---• <br />WESTERN -_-TITLE-_ GUARANTY--_COMPANY------ <br />Trustee <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) `1 ,ij Q1C® President <br />} ss. B k <br />Alameda JJ y------------------- --------------------------------------------- - <br />- County of - V Assistant Secretary <br />on ---------- January ----23-s-------- -- - ....... I9..-..61 before me,------ - the ---- undersign-d----------------------------------------- .. <br />a Notary Public, in and for said ----..-..-._.---.-__........... County and State, personally appeared ......Wm--.- MCMenAmy-- --- ---------- - --- - -- ---__---and <br />------------ <br />C. <br />----J• OOPS .........................._. ..known to me to be the.... Vice A$8i$tent <br />- --- - - ... -President and the ....... - .._... . - -- - -- <br />Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be th?ef:lh��t <br />sons who executed i on be <br />of such corporation, <br />and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same, and further acknowledged to such corporal' executed therwithin instrument <br />Pursuant to its by-laws or a res ti n of its Board of Directors. <br />My commission expires------ 1 <br />--- ----- --- -- ---------• ------- a------ -------------------------•--- -----...---------...- <br />Form 27C-2 F. J Luck <br />Notary Public <br />ij Ur UUU MI it I <br />