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4 nEL a luz�6f� <br />AFC 15756 <br />RECOV9ED AT RE <br />AT . �"i. P"' <br />STREET DEDI CATI ONDfftdal Recr.. <br />,1) <br />FEB 10 1960 <br />_ —3p <br />THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this llth (---.ay of December, 1959, <br />by and. between <br />C. H. McOTTYRE, a widower, and CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA DISTRICT OF THE <br />LUTHERAN CHURCH-14ISSOURI SYNOD, a corporation, the parties of the first part, <br />and the CITY OF SAY! LE111DRO, a municipal corporation, situated in the <br />Gounty of Alameda, State of Cali_forrzia, the party of the second part. <br />WITNESSLTH: That the said parties of the first part, do hereby grant, <br />transfer and alien unto the said party of the second part for the <br />purpose of a public street or highway, all that certain parcel of lard <br />situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the southern line of Manor <br />Boulevard, formerly West Avenue 150 with the western line of Lot 9 in <br />Block 1, as said avenue, lot and block are shown on the map of "'Tract <br />1399", filed July 21, 1954 in Book 34 of Maps, pace 72 in the office <br />of the County Recorder of Alameda County; thence along the direct <br />production of the said southern line of Manor Boulevard south 97" 45' <br />49" west 221.07 feet; thence westerly, southwesterly and southerly <br />along the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet, <br />tangent to the said last mentioned course, 30.54 feet to a point on <br />the western boundary line of that certain parcel of land <br />Parcel 1 in deed from Pine & Co., a partnership and Eugene Rene Leroy, <br />to C. H. ?,1cEntyre, a widower, dated July 9, 1959, recorded July 15, 1959, <br />under Recorder's Series No. AQ/83610 in Book 9089 of Official Records <br />of Alameda County, page 573; thence alon�p the said last mentioned line <br />and along the western boundary line of Parcels 3 and 2 in said last <br />mentioned deed, the two followin, courses and distances: north 0" 15' <br />40" east 32.66 feet, and thence north 1" 11' 26" east 67.82 feet; <br />thence so- therly, southeasterly and easterly along the arc of a curve <br />to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet, from a tangent which bears <br />south 1" 11' 2611-west, 32.61 feet until intersected by a direct <br />production westerly of the northern line of Manor Boulevard, formerly <br />West Avenue 150, as said avenue is shown on the map of "'Tract 1337",V <br />filed December 23, 1953 in Book 34 of Maps, pale 19 in the office of <br />the County Recorder of Alameda County; thence along; the said line so <br />produced north 87" 45' 49" east, tangent to the said last mentioned <br />arc, 204..88 feet to the point of intersection thereof with the western <br />line of Lot 18 in block 5, as said lot and block are shown on said last <br />mentioned map; thence alonthe direct production southerly of the <br />western line of said Lot 19 south 6" 26' 20" east 30.08 feet to a <br />point on. the center line of said. Manor Boulevard; thence along the said <br />last mentioned line north 87" 45' 49" east 9.84 feet until intersected <br />by a line drawn north 0" 15' 40" east from the point of beginning; thence <br />along the said last mentioned line so drawn south 0" 15' 40" west 30.03 <br />feet to the point of beginning. <br />'.Fbe property hereby conveyed to be knovin as MAID OR BOULEVARD, until such <br />time as the party of the second part deems it necessary to designate it <br />otherwise. <br />TO FA1'E AND TO HOLD unto the said party of the second part forever for <br />the sole object and purpose of maintaining therein a public street or <br />highvay and for no other purpose; and should said real property- herein <br />described be at any time used for any other purpose by said party of the <br />