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AU11 14 <br />RECORDING REQUESTED BY <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br />City of San Leandro <br />Citv Hall I <br />335 East 14th Street <br />RECORI REQUEST OF <br />North American Title Guar. Corp., <br />At z:a® P M, <br />0 C T — 2 19c3 <br />OFFICIAL' RECORDS. OF <br />ALA-MEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />JACK G. BLUE <br />COUNTY RECORDER <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />GRANT DEED <br />By this instrument dated .................. July ... 31.�....19 63_ <br />ARTHUR J. MENDONCA, BY DEVISE <br />(Escrow No...^3�71.53Ali <br />................ for a valuable consideration, <br />hereby GRANTS to CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a Municipal Corporation <br />The following described Real Property in the State of California, County of ------------ -.... /....... Alameda <br />q,4t f To��mship ^of Eden and being: <br />.................. <br />Beginning at the intersection of the northeastern line of Merced <br />Street, 60 feet wide, with the northwestern line of First Avenue, <br />104 feet wide; thence along the said northeastern line of Merced <br />Street, north 27' 30' west 235.00 feet to a point of cusp with a <br />tangent curve concave to the northeast, having a radius of 500 <br />feet and a central angle of 8' 06' 35"; thence along said curve <br />southeasterly 70.77 feet to a reverse curve concave to the south- <br />west, having a radius of 500 feet and a central angle of 8o 06' <br />35"; thence along said reverse curve southeasterly 70.77 feet to a <br />tangent line parallel with the aforementioned northeastern line of - <br />First Avenue, and 10.00 feet, right angle measurement, north= <br />easterly eherefrom; thence along said tangent line south 270 30' <br />east 65.9,3 '-eet to a tangent curve concave to the northeast, <br />having a radius of 40 feet and a central angle of 44° 25' -37", <br />thence along said curve southeasterly 31.02 feet to a non -tangent <br />line, said non -tangent line being athe aforementioned north- <br />western line of First Avenue; thence along the said northwestern <br />line of First Avenue south 62' 30' west 21.43 feet, more or less, <br />to the point of beginning. <br />7or Approval see ,xhltiit ''A' attached hereto. <br />-------------­--- .............................................. . ...................... <br />Arthur J. endonca <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA On........1_...... I9...63., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County <br />SS. and State, personally appeared ........ ---Arthlar--- J.....klP.nd.onc.a..................................................... <br />COUNTYOF ..... AZ.a=da............................................................................. ......................................................................... known to me to be the <br />person-------- whose name ..............................lS..............._.._subscribed to the within instrument, cknowledged to a hat .......... he.......... executed the same. <br />NOTLU <br />�„�nd Notary's Signature ........... <br />for sai ouCnty an tate Arne F re <br />NOTARY PUBLIC Type or Print Notary's Name ......... ........•••-•-•••••---•-•-......--------------------•-----•-•-......•....-_......................... <br />Form <br />AB 79A-33(o)-4 79A-338-5 <br />f .� <br />