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OFFI� E OF THE <br />CITY MANAGER <br />Title Insurance 0 Trust <br />105 Parrott Street <br />Sara Leandro, California <br />aentle®ena <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CITY HALL - 835 EAST LATH STREET <br />SAN EEANDRO, CALIFORNIA <br />April 29, 196k <br />Company <br />Please refer to yew esorow number 6055T6, dated July 8, 1963, the <br />Berl P. and North& Vs Morgan property. <br />unclosed are the following$ a City warrant in the amount of $61,302.686 <br />ass option describing the property to be conveyed, and a signed but undated <br />certificate of authorisation by the City Clarke aesepting the deed an behalf <br />of the City. ball price of the property being tapes is $69312.6"10.00 <br />having boon paid to the ovaers at the t1aw of taking the option. <br />Will you please prepare a deed describing the optioned property, convey- <br />ing tithe from Berl P. Morgan and Marth► V. Norm to the City of San Leandro, <br />a Municipal Corporation. The reference in the option to the Optionse (City) <br />installing curbs and gutters is sufficiently of record in the option and should <br />not be included in the deed, Sy separate copy of this letter I an requesting <br />the present cowers to *outset you to sign the deed. Upon recordation of the <br />deed and issosea of the policy of title Insurance, showing title vested in the <br />City free and olear of all snembranoes, you we authorised to deliver payment <br />to the persens entitled thereto. Taxes are to be prorated as of the date of <br />recording the deed. <br />Please have the deed recorded and returned to L. B. Riordan, City Manager's <br />Office, City Mall, San Leandro, California. Please sake a note of this last <br />instruction on the back of the deed. Also, send title insurance and closing <br />statement to the City Manager's Office. <br />It you have env gnestioas, please contact ne. <br />Very truly yours$. <br />LBRieh L. B. Riordem <br />CC$ B. V, and M. V. Morgan Assistaga City Manager <br />Finance 0ffiee <br />City C201K <br />Ptblic Works Director <br />