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STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />SS. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) <br />On nctoher i, , 1961, before me, <br />Renedetta M_ Ci arlo , a Notary Public in and <br />for the County of Alameda, State of California, personally appeared <br />Tony Dalcino, and D. Vittori <br />known to me to be the PrPsi dent and Vice -President <br />of OAKLAND SCAVENGER COMPANY, a California corporation, and to be <br />the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the <br />corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that such corpo- <br />ration executed the same. <br />c <br />Notary Public in and for sai qhr- M. CIARI_o <br />and State. My Commission expiiamlg 1i1 and for the <br />County of All s, state of California <br />Nly Commission Expires March 27, 1964 <br />(Sea]) <br />This is to certify that the interest in real property con- <br />veyed by the quitclaim deed dated 3. / 7L / from Oakland <br />Scavenge` Company, to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corpo- <br />ration, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council of tho <br />.Ju i✓� 7 �', i S 4� <br />City of San Leandro on Deeemba<r,.,,.lb;--1-9} , and the grantee consents <br />to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. <br />Dated: Q6, r I 1 <br />By <br />AS124' 3to <br />City Clerk <br />* END OF DOCUMENT* <br />