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deal property in the City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alar,cCh, :hate of California, described as follo-,.s: <br />Coi :i,.en sing at the intersection of the southwestern <br />line of Wnio Street, 100 feet wide, as v:•idened by Theo <br />0orc Lcro,r in 1379, with the centerline of ;Jest Avenue <br />137 (Second lkvenue) produced southwesterly (the center- <br />line of said Menlo Street so widened: being the same as <br />the centerline of the original Nenlo Street) a c''one monu- <br />ment set at the point of intersection of the centerline <br />of said 1•11enlo Street with the centerline of Tilest Avenue 0, <br />137, bears north 620 301 east (the basis of bearings being <br />Mulford Garden Manor) 50 feet from said point of commence- <br />ment, said point of commencement being also the southeastern <br />corner of the lands now or formerly of Thomas W. Yulford; <br />thence along the southern line of said lands now or former- <br />,n <br />ly of Thomas `.i. Nalford, and along the centerline of ',:est <br />I� <br />Avenuc 137 produced southwesterly (said centerline of 1-lest <br />{ <br />Avenue 137 produced southwesterly being also the southeast- <br />ern line of Fairt,:ay Drive, 30 feet wide), south 62° 301 <br />west 2565 feet to the ;ost northwestern angle point in the <br />boundary of Tract 2143 as shown on the map filed March 16, <br />' <br />'1 <br />1961 in Book W- of Maps, page 19, Alameda County Records; <br />thence continuing along the said centerline of West Avenue <br />137 produced ,:outhwesterly, south 620 301 west 545.67 feet <br />to the ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING; (said actual pc:i.nt of <br />beginning being the actual point of beginning of Parcel <br />"All as deccribed in tlic deed from Broadmoor Improvement <br />Co., a California corporation, to Marina lkvelopment, a <br />partnership, recorded : cbruary 9, 1961, in Reel 263, Image <br />91 Official Records of Alameda County) thence continuing <br />along said centerline of West Avenue 137 produced southwest- <br />erly, south 620 301 west 1531.922 feet to the western line I <br />i; <br />of %--amp and Overflow Land Survey 140; thence along the <br />said western line .of Swamp and Overflow Land Survey 11�0, <br />south hh- cast L25.638 feet to an angle point; thence con- <br />"and <br />tinuing along said western line of SwampOverflow Land <br />Survey 140, south 22° east 594.000 feet to the line dividing <br />Sections 3 and 10 in Township 3 South, Range 3 tlest, i?ount <br />Diablo iia;;e and meridian, the last mentioned line being also <br />the line dividing said Swat,:p and Overflow Land Survey 140 <br />• <br />frora Stjamp and Overflow Land Survey 203; thence along the '. <br />Western line of said Stamp and Overflow Land purvey 203, <br />south 20° east li37.334 feet to its intersection orith a line <br />draim north 39° 49, test from a point on the western line <br />of the right of tray 30 feet wide, described in the Deed to <br />Bay and Coast Railroad Company, dated June 22, 1373, recor:'ed . <br />June 25, 1373 in Boo!: 163 of Deeds, page 234, Alameda County <br />Records, distant along ^aid line, south 270 301 east 585.30 <br />feet from its intersection with the southern line of Rancho <br />San Leandro; thence along; said line so dravm south 39° 49, <br />east 1729.637 feet to the southeastern corner of the. afore- <br />mentioned Parcel "A"; thence continuing along said line so <br />'. <br />drawn south 390 49, east 84.33 feet; thence north 29° L41 061, <br />vest 627.85 feet; thence north 23° 24, 141, west 700 feet; <br />V. <br />thence north 27' 301 v-cst 1000 feet to the aforementioned <br />centerline of Truest Avenue 137 produced southwesterly; thence <br />along the said centerline of West Avenue 137 produced south- <br />westerly, south 62° 301 west 105.67 feet to the actual point <br />of beginning. <br />7'hc above desscribad parcel of land contains 63.730 4.c:°03, <br />n;ore or l onss. <br />'' <br />LD 63-55 Awl gib' 1-0 <br />