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rlb <br />56 03u4 <br />SCHEDULE A <br />BEGIPd UNG a;; the point of intersection of the center line <br />of Wast Avenue 132, formerly First Avenue, :-ith the Rancho San Leandro <br />Grant Line, distant on said center line south 620 30' west -j06.94 feet <br />from the center line of c3cp-'cune Drive, formerly Bay Street, as said <br />Grant Line, First Aveni-to an," Bay Street ure ahown on the map of <br />"Thilford Carden: Addition, .Alameda County, California", filed Februar,;- <br />1. 1928 in book 7 of a". page 55, in the office of the County <br />Rocorder of Alameda County, thence west jv3-!.U'j feet, r;iore or less, <br />alons the southern lino of ;.,he parcel of 'land described in .-he deed <br />irom Bank of America aticnal 4rust and Savingc Association to Oakland <br />Scavenger Company, dated June 11, 194C, rceordled Juno 15, 19' a ill boot: <br />5529 or Official Records of Alameda County, page 349, to the line of <br />Alameda Basin, as said basin ling: is shown on Pip ;o. 1 of Salt i,�arsh <br />c:nd 1.1ide Lands situate in uhw Cownty ci' Ala.iaeda, State of California, <br />copy of said map being on i ile in the office of the State Land:; <br />Commission of the Depart=ert of Finance (formerl'r the office of the <br />Sux-iovor General) of Vio Skate of Calif �rnia; thence southeasterly <br />::long uaid basin line to th, northern linr� of the ;'Tulford Canal, wti <br />acid c nal io sho?gin on the last mentioned map; thence east along the <br />lust mentioned line to itc intersection with the .western boundary line <br />of th- Rancho San Leandro, thence rorth:seoterily along the last nontioned <br />lin,:� to the point of be ;inning. <br />&V,,a <br />794- yrys- 4-�, <br />Pale 3 <br />