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RECORDING REQUESTED BY <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br />Citv Mana5:er's Office <br />Affix IRS <br />$---------------------------- <br />J'81789 RECORDED at 111YULJT OF <br />North American Title Guar. Corp. <br />At 9:33 A.M. <br />NOV - 41963 <br />OFFICIAL! RECORDS, OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />:JACK G. ELUE <br />DQUN7Y, RECORDER <br />P► AW M W. 473 <br />I — <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />RANT DEED <br />(Escrow No ...... 3 �,.652LAR ) <br />September 4, 1963 <br />By this instrument dated.........................................................., for a valuable consideration, <br />NATALE CUSUMANO <br />herebyGRANTSto CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a Munieinal Cornoration <br />d <br />The following described Real Property in the State of California, County of.................:...:........Alame....a .__...._.._................................ <br />San Leandro <br />Cityof ..... _.......... ----......._.......... _.... ... <br />Portion of lot 20 as shown on the man of Washington Park, filed <br />September 2', 1926, in Book 10 of Mans, rage '5. Alameda County <br />Records, described as follows; <br />Beginning at the northwestern corner ofsaid lot 20, being also the <br />intersection of the southeastern line of Estabrook Street with the <br />northeastern line of Washington Avenue as said lot, street and <br />avenue are shown on said man; thence along the said southeastern <br />line of Estabrook Street north 62' 00' 50" east 40.06 feet to a <br />point of cusp with a tangent curve concave to the southeast, <br />having a radius of 40.00 feet and a central angle of 90' 05' 2.0", <br />thence along said curve southwesterly southerly; and south- <br />easterly 62. "9 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent tine, sail d <br />tangent line being the aforementioned northeastern line of <br />Washington Aven;ue; thence along the said northeastern line of <br />Washington Avenue north 2,° 04' 3()" west 40.06 feet to the noint <br />of beginning, <br />Natale Cusumano,___ being unable <br />wriim, �rtl�dl¢............. rl_i s...... WArk if, ► 7 presence <br />and (,....Anne Breen�teei._..�1.LS.___ <br />name <br />Addiscoal Wi wo- <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA On .... C'.O.t:_..._..I................. 19.�_,�..., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County <br />SS. and State, personally appeared --------- �jp- a? P C1-lSUman <br />COUNTY OF .............. timed a .......................................... known to me to be the <br />person........ whose name ......................... 5.........................subscribed to the within instrument, and ack ed to me that .... _he .... ...... executed the same. <br />(Seal) <br />NOTARY PUBLIC in and Notary's Signature .............................. -.......................................... Y_... <br />Type or Print Notary's Name ----------- Ann-e.... 123z.e.en................................................................ <br />Revised 11.59 -�'-' / 5`L 6AP '� _, S �i �— l n }�tj� . <br />ALAMEDA CO., CALIFORNLA /' <br />