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RECORDING REQUESTED BY <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br />CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE <br />AUK b 7-90 PF -103s IM- 4%5 <br />RECORDED at REQUEST OF <br />North American Title Guar. Corp. <br />rn At 9:33 A.M. <br />NOV - 41963 <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS, OF <br />IAL'AMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />t JACK G. 2LUE <br />COUNTY RECORDER <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR <br />GRANT DEED <br />(Escrow No ---- a 4_65 2-6--_.AB) <br />By this instrument dated......... S ep t .1.1.2... 19 63 <br />............................ for a valuable consideration, <br />JAMES P. GERACE and LUCILLE GERACE, his wife, <br />hereby GRANTS to <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, <br />The following described Real Property in the State of California, County of ..... Alame-da........... <br />city of ..... San_..Leandro ,.-and_._heing <br />PORTION of Lot 20, as shown on the map of Washington Park, filed <br />September 28, 1926, in Book 10 of Maps, Page 85, Alameda County <br />Records, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the northwestern corner of said Lot 20, being also <br />the intersection of the southeastern line of Estabrook Street <br />with the northeastern line of Washington Avenue, as said lot, <br />street and avenue are shown on said map; thence along the said <br />southeastern line of Estabrook Street, north 62° 00' 50" east <br />40.06 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent curve concave to <br />the southeast, having a radius of 40.00 feet and a central <br />angle of 90° 05' 20"; thence along said curve southwesterly, <br />southerly, and southeasterly 62.89 feet to a point of cusp with <br />a tangent line, said tangent line being the aforementioned <br />northeastern line of Washington Avenue; thence along the said <br />northeastern line of Washington Avenue, north 28' 04' 30" west <br />40.06 feet to the point of beginning. <br />�1 <br />,I <br />rw� u <br />I � <br />... .. ........ .. .... . ......... _.........._.__..._.._..-•---------------------.__.._. _. _. <br />AfG» iRS <br />Jame . Xerac <br />t--------------- <br />$ ............................ 9f;X�/ Lucil e Gerace <br />STATE OF CXLIFORNIA On ............ ......... .: A, before me, they ersiCed, a Notary Public in and for said County <br />SS. and State, personally appeared----•• .i-.44L. :.... t! {c� _.. = .1,-!s ' ..-....................................•-. <br />COUNTY OF..-c f ..�.�.'.`".�.Q .. ---- -- ------------------known to me to be the <br />person....- whose name.........I....................... 4.R.9- .... subscribed to the within instrument and acknowl to me that .... .----- he.......... executed the same. <br />NOTARY PUBLIC in and Notary's Signature `-.....C_... - c s;!1� ---- -------------------------------- <br />(Seal) for said County and State l <br />Type or Print Notary's Name......,�..... . <br />Form No. 340 Revised 11-59 <br />