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RE.1-982 04:739, <br />1 THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND no/100 ($16,538.00) <br />2 as just compensation for that defendant's interests in the real <br />3 property and improvements herein condemned; and <br />4 To defendant FENNETH J. BURGER, the balance of the award, <br />5 to -wit, ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AMID no/100 ($1,500.00) <br />6 as just compensation for that defendant's interests in the real <br />7 property and improvements herein condemned. <br />8 IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED: <br />9 The fee simple title to the following described parcel <br />10 of land, situate in the County of Alameda, State of California, <br />11 more particularly described as follows: <br />12 Being a portion of Lot 19 as said lot is shown on <br />the map of Estudillo Park, filed January 31, 1911 <br />13 in Book 26 of Maps, page 7, Alameda County Records, <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />14 <br />COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the <br />15 southern line of Halcyon Drive, 56 feet wide, <br />formerly Holland Avenue, with the northeastern <br />16 line of Washington Avenue, 60 feet wide, formerly <br />Watkins Street, as said avenue and street are <br />17 shown on said map; thence along the said southern <br />line of Halcyon Drive east 56.46 feet to the ACTUAL <br />18 POINT OF BEGINNING, said point of beginning being <br />the northwestern corner of the parcel of land <br />19 described in deed from E. J. Holland to Central <br />Pacific Railway Company, a corporation, dated <br />20 February 4, 1931, and recorded February 9, 1931 in <br />book 2556, page 53, Official Records of Alameda <br />21 County; thence along the southwestern line of <br />the last mentioned parcel of land south 271 44' <br />22 east 35.96 feet to a non tangent curve concave to the <br />southeast, having a radius of 41 feet and a central <br />23 angle of 231 54' 26", a radial line at said point <br />of intersection bears north 390 01' 20" west; <br />24 thence along said curve northeasterly 17.11 feet <br />to a compound curve concave to the south, having <br />25 a radius of 292 feet and a central angle of 70 19' <br />38"; thence along said compound curve easterly 37.34 <br />26 feet to the southwestern line of the Southern Pacific <br />Railroad Company right of way, 100 feet wide, a radial <br />27 line at said point bears north 70 47' 16" west; <br />thence along the said Southern Pacific right-of-way <br />28 line north 42° 22' west 22.59 feet to its inter- <br />section with the said southern line of Halcyon <br />29 Drive; thence along the said southern line of <br />Halcyon Drive west 53.21 feet to the point of be- <br />30 ginning. <br />31 Together with all the rights, easements and appurtenances <br />belonging or pertaining thereto. <br />32 <br />The above described parcel of land contains 1282.22 square <br />feet, more or less. <br />AW12884 8 <br />2. <br />