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COPY <br />THE ARD OF SUPERVISORSy3 <br />OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA T <br />RESOLUTION No. 190942 <br />'JIMIWAS, certain real property situate in the City of Sun Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, and more particularly described under the following ac- <br />count number: 77C-1232-6 uop <br />is now subject to a lien for uncollected taxes or assessments and penalties or costs <br />thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, after the time said taxes or assessments and penalties and costs thereon <br />became a lien on said real property, it was acquired by the City of San Leandro, as shown <br />on that certain deed duly recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, <br />and because of such public onership is not subject to sale for delinquent taxes,- and <br />WEEF S, the City of San Leandro has requested the cancellation of said uncollected <br />takes and assessments and penalties and costs thereon now a lien upon the hereinabove <br />described real property; <br />k1OW, THRR$FORB, BE IT RESOLVED AND 0FXZRED by this Board of Supervisors, with the <br />written consent of the District Attorney of the County of Alameda, and the consent of the <br />City Attorney of the City of Sella Leandro, that the County Auditor be and he is hereby <br />ordered and directed to cancel any and all uncollected taxes or assessments and penalties <br />or costs thereon, now a lien upon the property hereinabove described, provided, however, <br />that this resolution and order shall not be construed as making or authorizing the can- <br />cellation of any taxes or assessments or penalties or costs thereon, charged or levied on <br />any possessory interest in or to said parcel of real property, or any special assessment <br />levied on said parcel of real property; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that if said parcel of real property has been sold <br />to the State for nonpayment of any of said taxes, and a certificate of sale of deed therefor <br />has been issued to the State, and the State has not disposed of the property so sold, the: <br />County Auditor be and he is hereby ordered and directed to cancel the certificate of sale <br />or deed so issued. <br />CONSENT OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF THE <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALnmmIA <br />The District Attorney of the County of Alameda, State of California, hereby consents <br />to the cancellation of all uncollected county taxes or assessments and penalties or costs <br />thereon,, charged or levied and now a lien upon the property hereinabove described, and as <br />shown on that certain deed duly recorded its the office of the County Recorder of Alameda Count; <br />J.F. COAKLEY <br />District Attorney in and for the County of <br />Alamed$.. Stat of CWorn' <br />By <br />Deputy lAstrict Attorney in and~ for the <br />County of Alameda, State of California. <br />CONSENT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />The City Attorney of the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />hereby cowmAs to the cancellation of all uncollected city taxes or assessments and penalties <br />or costs thereon, charged or levied and now a lien upon the property hereinabove described, sni <br />to sz�yown on that certain deed duly recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda <br />R <br />I CFRTIFY THAT THE WREGOING 15 A — <br />REC( G4PY ofA RESO-UTION ADOPTED BY <br />THE BOARD OF SUPERVIS �9ALAMEDA <br />COUNTY, CALIFORNIA_IL <br />JUL.. <br />ATi........ OL.UICr GCLERK <br />EX.OFFICIOfl(�=­ <br />F <br />THE BOARS <br />D DEPUTY <br />ARTBUR M. CARW <br />City Attorney for the City of San Leandro <br />Alameda o y, State oof+ C ornia <br />By 7Nr/�C <br />Asst . City Attorney for the City of San <br />Leandro, Alameda County, State of <br />California. <br />