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A PORTION of Lot 25, as said lot is shown on the map of <br />the Hemme Tract, filed October 1, 1889, in Book 9 of Daps, <br />page 33, Alameda County Records, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the southwestern line <br />of Washington Avenue, formerly Watkins Street, with the southeastern <br />line of Castro Street, as said streets are shown on said map; thence <br />along the said southeatern line of Castro Street southwesterly-40 feet <br />to a point of cusp with a tangent curve concave to the southwest, <br />having a radius of 40 feet and a central angle of 90` ; thence along <br />said curve northeasterly, easterly, and southeasterly 62.83 feet <br />to a point of cusp with a tangent line, said tangent line being the <br />said southwestern line of Washington Avenue; thence along the said <br />southwestern line of Washington 'venue northwesterly 40 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 343.36 square feet, more <br />or less. <br />