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- EXHIBIT "A" <br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County <br />of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />PORTION of the parcel of land described in the <br />deed from Manuel F. Cardoza, et ux., to Reynolds Supply <br />Co., dated August 4, 1953, recorded September 18, 1953, <br />in book 7133 of Official Records of Alameda County, at page <br />443, (AH-82157), described as follows: <br />EFOINNING at a point on the northeastern line <br />of Washington Avenue, formerly Watkins Street or County <br />Road No. 725, distant thereon south 270 45' east 891.21 feet <br />more or less, from the southern line of Halcyon Drive, <br />formerly Holland Avenue, as said street and avenue are shown <br />on the map of "Estudillo Park, Eden Twp., Alameda County, <br />California, 1910 , filed January 31, 1911, in book 26 of <br />Maps, page 7, Alameda County Records, said point of beginning <br />being the northwestern corner of said parcel of land described <br />in said deed to Reynolds Supply Co.; and running thence <br />along the northern line of the last named parr el of land <br />due east 13.56 feet to a line drawn parallel with said <br />line of Washington Avenue and distant at right angles 12 <br />feet northeasterly therefrom; thence along the last named <br />parallel line so drawn south 270 451 east 101.43 feet; <br />thence tangent with the last named line along the are of <br />a curve to the right with a radius of 592 feet, through <br />an angle of 100 W-)' 37" southeasterly 111.18 feet to the <br />southern line of said parcel of land described in said deed <br />to Reynolds Supply Co.; thence along the last named line <br />due west 1.79 feet to said line of Washington Avenue; and <br />thence along the last "'ne north 27 451 west 217.43 <br />feet to the actual poi,,. • ,,i nninrr. <br />