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CLTA STANDARD COVERAGE <br />POLICY FORM-1960 <br />FORM 1 <br />SCHEDULE A awWnwd <br />easterly and southeasterly 51.08 feet along said curve to a <br />-tangent line drawn parallel to and 23 feet westerly, measured <br />at right angles from the said western line of Washington Avenue; <br />thence south 00 45' east 78.18 feet along the line so drawn to <br />the northern line of theparcel or land described in the deed from <br />Henry E. Mars ana Mary Tresa Mars, his wife, to Richard A. rilles <br />ana Helen lilles, his wife, as joint tenants, as -to an undivided <br />1/6 interest, ana Oliver Ryllo and Margaret E. Kyllo, his wife, as <br />joint tenants, as to an undivided 1/5 interest, dated October 5, <br />1955, and recorded November 22, 1955, in Boom 7833 of Official <br />Records of Alameda County, page 580; thence north 870 43' east <br />23.01 feet along the last mentioned line to the said western line <br />of Was-:zington Avenue; thence north 00 45' west 120 feet along the <br />last mentioned line to the point of beginning. <br />Page 2 <br />