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2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />fnnuMEriTnRr_ <br />• W '- <br />. <br />,� <br />: nqM <br />�40 CENT5 YA1 <br />26 <br />27 <br />I 28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />AT 2307 . <br />DEED <br />At: 4W-4 W 4 <br />JACK RUSSELL MAY and HERMINE MELVINA MAY, his wife, hereby grant to <br />the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, all that land situated in the <br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as <br />follows: <br />A portion of Lots 19 and 20 as said lots are shown on the <br />Map of Estudillo Park filed January 31, 1911 in Book 26 <br />of Maps, at page 7, Alameda County Records, and more par- <br />ticularly described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at the intersection of the south line of Halcyon <br />Drive, formerly Holland Avenue, with the northeast line of <br />Washington Avenue, formerly Watkins Street, all as shown <br />on the said map of Estudillo Park; thence along the last <br />mentioned line southeasterly to a point of cusp, as de- <br />scribed in the Final Order of Condemnation, City of San <br />Leandro vs. Jack Russell May, et al, dated July 31, 1958, <br />and recorded July 31, 1958 in Book 8740, page 563, Official <br />Records of Alameda County, said point of cusp being the <br />ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continuing along the <br />said northeastern line of Washington Avenue south 27' 44' <br />east 547.17 feet, more or less, to the southeastern line <br />of the parcel of land described in the deed of trust from <br />Eddie Rogers and Barbara Rogers, his wife, to Jack R. May <br />and Hermine M. May, his wife, dated March 22, 1956 and re- <br />corded March 29, 1956 in Book 7982, page 352, Official <br />Records of Alameda County; thence along said southeastern <br />line of the last mentioned parcel north 62' 16' east 12.00 <br />feet to a line parallel with the said northeastern line of <br />Washington Avenue and 12.00 feet, measured at right angles, <br />northeasterly therefrom; thence along said parellel line <br />north 27' 44' west 459.95 feet to a tangent curve concave <br />to the northeast having a radius of 112 feet and a central <br />angle of 21' 37' 51"; thence along said curve northwesterly <br />42.28 feet to a compound curve, concave to the southeast, <br />having a radius of 41 feet and a central angle of 57' 04' <br />4911; thence along the last mentioned curve northwesterly, <br />northerly and northeasterly 40.85 feet to its intersection <br />with the southwestern line of that certain parcel now or <br />formerly owned by the Southern Pacific Company, formerly <br />the Central Pacific Railway Company, described in the deed <br />from E. J. Holland to Central Pacific Railway Company, a <br />corporation, dated February 4, 1931 and recorded February <br />9, 1931 in Book 2556, page 53, Official Records of Alameda <br />County, a radial line at said point of intersection being <br />north 39° O1' 20" west, thence along said southwestern <br />line of said Southern Pacific Company parcel north 27' <br />44' west 35.96 feet to the hereinbefore described south <br />line of Halcyon Drive; thence along the said south line <br />of Halcyon Drive west 15.07 feet to the point of curve <br />of a tangent curve concave to the southeast, having a <br />radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 117' 441, <br />said point of curve being also a point of cusp of the <br />hereinbefore referred to parcel of land described in the <br />Final Order of Condemnation, City of San Leandro vs. Jack <br />Russell May, et al; thence along said curve westerly, <br />southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly 51.37 feet, <br />more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />342,698 # 77C-1310-1-5 & 77c_ <br />1310-1-7 <br />