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LEANDF <br />SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA <br />February 27, 1r62 <br />North American Title Invurance Company <br />1OU0 MacArthur Boulevard <br />Oakland 5, California <br />Gentle -yen I <br /> refer to your escrow #34,2712AB, � property. <br />P, closed are: one City warrant in the amoun of -53,166.52, and <br />a signed dead dated February 21, 1962. The purchase price of <br />the property is f 5,17b.52-410.00 havixv,, been previously Paid <br />to the Miers at the tirae of taking an oration. <br />Upon recordation of the dead and iscuanco of ti-le policy <br />of title -insurance showing title vested in the City of Swi <br />Leandro, i.`ree and clear of all e-Mnbrances, you are authorL: od <br />to doliver this payment to the arsons entitled thereto. Taxes <br />are to be prorated as of the date of record -ng the deed. <br />L1 ase have the deed recorded ana returned to the City <br />nana!!ers x Office, City Halls San lse lro, Californiae Please <br />make a -iwte of this last gstruction on the 'rack of the deed. <br />Alsos se -id title insurance and closing state.mnt to the Cif <br />pia ~eras Office. <br />If you have any questions, please contact me, <br />L%t seh <br />Encl. (2 ) <br />cc: Finance officer <br />City Clerk , <br />City Attorney <br />srerEr truly yours, <br />L. E. iordan, Assiot nt City mwWer <br />