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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 491, 1962
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 491, 1962
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Last modified
9/7/2022 7:59:20 PM
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9/7/2022 7:58:19 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being a portion of the parcel of land <br />described in the deed from Jack Russell May, also known as <br />Jack R. May, and Hermine Melvina May, and also known as <br />Hermine M. May, his wife, to Eddie Rogers and Barbara <br />Rogers, his wife, dated March 22, 1956 and recorded March <br />29, 1956 in Book 7982, page 348, Official Records of Alameda <br />County, more particularly described as follows: <br />IBEGINNING at a point on the northeastern line of Washington <br />Avenue, 60 feet wide, distant along said line south 270 44' <br />east 588.56 feet from the southern line of Halcyon Drive, <br />56 feet wide; thence along the said northeastern line of <br />Washington Avenue south 270 44' east 208.99 feet to its <br />intersection with the southeastern line of said Rogers <br />paacel; thence along the last mentioned line north 640 ill <br />40" east 12.01 feet to its intersection with a line parallel <br />with the said northeastern line of Washington Avenue and <br />12.00 feet, measured at right angles, northeasterly there- <br />from; thence along said parallel line north 270 44' west <br />209.39 feet to its intersection with the northwestern line <br />of said Rogers parcel; thence along the last mentioned line <br />south 620 16' west 12.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />As a further consideration of this option, (1) Optionee <br />shall install curbs and cutters at no expense to Optionor; <br />(2) Optionor shall remove or relocate posts and signs on <br />the subject property prior to street construction; (3) Optionor <br />shall provide any necessary entrance aprons and sidewalks, <br />at own expense. <br />
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