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P L 737 I AO' <br />This is to certify that the 'irAwoft In r"I pcoWty conveyed <br />by Deed or Grant dated October 1 , 1962 from A T J C � !��' <br />Milton Hansen Thelma Bolton and Rigmor Rasmussen <br />to the City of Sam Leandmv a mmicipal corporation, is hereby s <br />accepted by order of the City Council of the r ity of ran LowWb o <br />on June 2 , ' 962 +sand the grantee consents to recordatim <br />thereof by its duly authorised officer. <br />D,.*ted! November 29, 1962 <br />* END OF DOCUNTNi <br />342 715 (77C-1305-1 (Ptn) <br />