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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 498, 1962
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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 498, 1962
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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FORM NO. 811 FOR USE \ E AND EASEMENT POLICIES No. 4000 AND <br />CALLFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSC Y STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY FORM -- Ci iT 1961 <br />SCHEDULE A —Continued <br />3. The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of California, County of Alameda <br />City of San Leandro , and is described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1: Beginning at the intersection of the Eastern line of <br />Washing on Avenue with the Northern line of the tract of land <br />heretofore conveyed to William Campbell; thence along said <br />Northern line Easterly 12.00 feet to a line parallel with the said <br />Eastern line of Washington Avenue and 12.00 feet, measured at right <br />angles, Easterly therefrom; thence along said parallel line North- <br />erly 6.37 feet, more or less, to a tangent curve concave to the <br />West, having a radius of 592 feet and a central angle of 11" 33' <br />32", more or less; thence along said curve Northerly 110.37 feet, <br />more or less, to a point of cusp with a non -tangent line, said <br />non -tangent line being the aforementioned Eastern line of Wash- <br />ington Avenue; thence along the last mentioned line Southerly <br />124.93 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 939.24 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />PARCEL 2: Beginning at the intersection of the Northeastern line <br />of Washington Avenue with the Northern line of the Parcel of land <br />described in the deed from Ann Cardoza, Angelina Alexander, <br />Richard Cardoza, also known as Richard J. Cardosa and Lawrence <br />Cardosa, also known as Lawrence D. Cardosa, to Ernest DeCoite, <br />Richard E. Mohr, and Harold R. Mohr, dated December 22, 1959, and <br />recorded January 13, 1960, in Reel 007, Image 439, Official <br />Records of Alameda County; thence Easterly along said Northern <br />line 1.79 feet, more or less, to a non -tangent curve to the West, <br />having a radius of 592 feet and a central angle of 0° 10' 24", <br />more or less; thence along said curve Southerly 1.70 feet, more or <br />less, to a point of cusp with a non -tangent line, said non -tangent <br />line being the aforementioned Northeastern line of Washington <br />Avenue; thence along the last mentioned line Northwesterly 1.79 feet, <br />more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />
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