<br />PARCEL 1: (LD-60-181) Real property in the City of San Leandro, I
<br />County of Alameda, State of California, being a portion of the
<br />parcel of land described in the deed. from Willard B. Fry and
<br />Dorothy Fry, his wife, to Lloyd R. Bradhoff, a married man,
<br />dated January 31, 1958, and recorded February 17, 1958, in Book
<br />8597, page 445, Official Records of Alameda County, Described
<br />as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at a point on the eastern line of Washington Avenue,
<br />distant thereon south 00 49' east 380.55 feet from the north-
<br />western corner of the 20 acre parcel of land conveyed by the
<br />Pacific Improvement Company to C. E. Hayes, by deed dated
<br />February 6, 1890, and recorded in Book 391 of Deeds, page 378,
<br />Alameda County Records; thence along said eastern line of
<br />Washington Avenue, south 00 49' east 127.15 feet to its inter-
<br />section with the southern line of said Bradhoff parcel; thence
<br />along the last mentioned line to its intersection with a line
<br />parallel with the said eastern line of Washington Avenue and
<br />12.00 feet, measured at right angles, easterly therefrom;
<br />thence along said parallel line, north Oo 49' west 127.15 feet;
<br />thence south 890 59' west 12.00 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />PARCEL 2: (LD-60-172) Real property in the City of San Leandro,
<br />County of Alameda, State of California, being a portion of the
<br />parcel of land described in the Decree Quieting Title dated
<br />May 7, 1958, and recorded May 28, 1958 in Book 8683, page 73,
<br />Official Records of Alameda County, described as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at a point on the eastern line of Washington Avenue,
<br />distant thereon south 00 49' east 236.55 feet from the north-
<br />western corner of the 20 acre parcel of landconveyed by the
<br />Pacific Improvement Company to C. E. Hayzies by deed. dated.
<br />February 6, 1890, recorded in Book 391 of Deeds, page 378,
<br />Alameda County Records; thence along the said eastern line of
<br />Washington Avenue south 00 49' east 144 feet to the northern
<br />line of the parcel of land described in the deed by Manuel
<br />Rogers and wife, to Willard B. Fry and wife, dated January 27,
<br />1951, and recorded March 9, 1951, in Book 6379, page 486,
<br />Official Records of Alameda County; thence along the last
<br />mentioned line north 890 59' east 12.00 feet to a line parallel
<br />with the hereinbefore mentioned eastern line of Washington
<br />Avenue and 12.00 feet, measured at right angles, easterly
<br />therefrom; thence along said parallel line north 00 49' west
<br />144 feet; thence south 890 59' west 12.00 feet to the point
<br />of beginning.
<br />As a further consideration of this Option, Optionee is to install
<br />curbs, gutters and sidewalks at own expense.
<br />