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Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State <br />of California, being a portion of Parcel 2, as said parcel is described <br />in the deed from Luigi Pagano, a married. man, to Domingo R. Pagano, <br />dated March 1, 1951 and recorded March 5, 1951 in Book 6374, page 129, <br />Official Records of Alameda County, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the northwestern corner of said Parcel 2; thence along <br />the eastern line of Washington Avenue south 00 50' east 109.92 feet <br />to the southwestern corner of said Parcel 2; thence along the <br />southern line of said. Parcel 2 north 880 40' east 12.00 feet to a line <br />parallel with the said eastern line of Washington Avenue and 12.00 <br />feet, measured at right angles, easterly therefrom; thence along said <br />parallel line north 00 50' west 109.65 feet to the northern line of <br />said Parcel 2; thence along the said northern line of Parcel 2 south <br />890 59' west 12.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />It is understood that owner shall install curbs, gutters and <br />sidewalks at own expense. <br />(LD-60-239) <br />