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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 517, 1962
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 517, 1962
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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A portior. of Parcel 2, as said Parcel is described in the dee,a <br />from Luigi Pagano, a married man, to Domingo R. Pagano, dated March <br />1, 1951 and recorded March 5, 1951 in Book 6374, page 129, Official <br />Records of Alameda County, described as follows: <br />I <br />PARCEL I: BEGINNING at the northwestern corner of said Parcel <br />2; thence along the eastern line of Washington Avenue south 0° 50' <br />east 109.92 feet to the southwestern corner of said Parcel 2; thence <br />along the southern line of said Parcel 2 north 88° 40' east 12.00 <br />feet to a line parallel with the said eastern line of Washington <br />Avenue and 12.00 feet, measured at right angles, easterly therefrom; <br />thence along said parallel line north 00 50' west 109.65 feet to the <br />northern Line of said parcel 2; thence along the said northern line of <br />Parcel 2 south 890 59' west 12.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />A portion of the 15.89 acre tract of land described in the deed <br />by Mario Cassale, a single man, to Luigi Pagano, a married man, re- <br />corded January 24, 1921 in Book 3031 of Deeds, page 330, Alameda <br />County Records, described as follows: "I iFr <br />ATJ " r1) <br />PARCEL. II; BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the eastern <br /> of Washington Avenue, 60 feet wide, with the northern line of <br />slid 15.89 acre tract; thence along the said eastern line of Washington <br />Avenue south 0° 50' east (the bearing south 0° 50' east being assumed <br />for this description.) 20 feet to the northern line of Parcel 2. as <br />described in the deed from Luigi Pagano to Domingo R. Pagano, dated <br />March 1, 1951, and recorded March 5, 1951 in Book 6374, page 129, G <br />Official Records of Alameda County; thence along the said northern u <br />line of Parcel 2 north 890 59' east 12.00 feet to a line parallel <br />with the aforementioned eastern line of Washington Avenue and 12.00 Cry <br />feet, measured at right angles, easterly therefrom; thence along said <br />parallel line north 00 50, west 20 feet to the aforementioned northern'' <br />line of the 15.89 acre tract; thence along the said northern line of <br />the 15.89 acre tract south 890 59, west 12.00 feet to the point of <br />beginning. ,- <br />M <br />t. <br />PARCEL III: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the said <br />eastern line of Washington Avenue, 60 feet wide, with the southern <br />Line of the aforementioned Parcel 2; thence along the said eastern <br />line of Washington Avenue south 0050' east 112.08 feet, more or less, <br />to the northwestern corner of Tract 974 as shown on the map filed <br />September 26, 1951 in Book 31 of Maps, page 65, Alameda County Records; <br />thence along the northern line of said Tract 974 north 880 55' 30'� east <br />12.00 feet to a line parallel with the said eastern Line of Washington <br />Avenue and 12..00 feet, measured at right angles, easterly therefrom; <br />thence along the said parallel line north 00 50' west 112.13 feet, <br />more or less, to the aforementioned southern line of Parcel 2; thence <br />along the last mentioned line south 88° 40' west 12.00 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />
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