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AW115113 <br />• !FIECORDING REQUESTED BY <br />AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br />Name FL. E. Riordan <br />Street City Managers Office <br />RECORDED 9 ST Or <br />Title lnsuranto & Trust Co. <br />At 9:30 A.M. <br />• JUL 1 7164 <br />[)FFICIAC RiTORDS. OF <br />AL:AMEDA COUNTY, CALIF07N_.IA <br />Address City Hall I JALOM G. OL—u r— <br />Cit,. s San Leandro, California � COUNTY RECORDER <br />State I <br />L J YY SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />Ai-'vix I.R.S. S.-NONE..... IN Tms Sr.m: <br />Grant Deed <br />TO405C THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY <br />FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. <br />GBORGE R. MARMENT AND LAVERNE MARMENT, his wife <br />hereby- GRANTI S) to <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a Municipal Corporation <br />the following described real property in the City of San Leandro <br />County of Alameda , State of California: <br />BEING a portion of Lot 10 as said lot is shown on the Map of L. Knox Tract <br />filed April 11, 1893 in Book 14 of Maps, page 10, Alameda County Records <br />described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at a point on.t.he centerline of 143rd Avenue, formerly Knox <br />Avenue, distant along said line north 430 24' 45" east 125 feet from the <br />northeastern line of Washington Avenue, formerly Lorenzo Avenue, as said <br />avenues are shown on said map; thence south 46° 35' 15" east 252 feet to <br />the southeastern line of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Ralph B <br />Pahlmeyer and Helen E. Pahlmeyer, his wife, to George B. Marment and <br />La Verne Marment, his wife, by a deed dated January 6, 1956 and recorded <br />January 26, 1956, in book 7917, page 468, Official Records of Alameda <br />County; thence along the last mentioned line south 430 24' 45" west 216.2 <br />feet to the said northeastern line of Washington Avenue, this point being <br />the actual point of beginning; thence along the said northeastern line of <br />Washington Avenue north 260 40' 55" west 51.05 feet to the northwestern <br />line of the said parcel conveyed by Pahlmeyer to Marment; thence along <br />the last mentioned line north 43° 24' 45" east 12.77 feet to its inter- <br />section with a line parallel with said northeastern line of Washington <br />Avenue and 12 feet, measured at right angles, northeasterly therefrom; <br />thence along the said parallel line south 260 40' 55 " east 51.05 feet to <br />the southeastern line of said parcel; thence along the last mentioned line <br />south 430 24' 45" west 12.77 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Dated:. <br />April, <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />l 5S <br />COUNTY OF Alameda <br />("' <br />On julyl_5.1`964 before me, the under- <br />signed, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personall} <br />appeared <br />George Re Marment and <br />T,a Veme Ma rmpnt <br />known to me <br />to be the person_S—_whose name S arsubscribed to the within <br />instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. <br />WITNESSam.Fandand ofTirial seal <br />(Seal) <br />Signature _ <br />} <br />NOTARYC <br />AMEDA CO., CALIFORNIA, <br />Name (Typed6rPrinted) <br />Notary Public in and for said County and State <br />// executed by a Corporation the Corporation Form of <br />Acknowledgment must he used. _ <br />