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TO 1012-1056C OC C <br />American Title Association loan Policy <br />Additional Coverage —October, 1960 <br />or SCHEDULE C <br />California Land Title Association <br />Standard Coverage Policy-1961 <br />The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: <br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of ALAMEDA, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />A PORTION of the parcel of land described in the deed from <br />Izabel A. Silva, a widow, to William J. Silva, a married man, filed <br />April 25, 1958 in Book 8656 of Official Records of Alameda County, <br />Page 99, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the southwestern line of Washington <br />Avenue, formerly Watkins Street, distant thereon north 28° west <br />125 feet from the intersection thereof, with the most northerly <br />corner of a tract of land containing 50.19 acres granted by J. B. <br />Ward, as trustee, et al., to Leonard Stone, by deed dated August 8, <br />1864, recorded in Book "O" of Deeds, page 428, Alameda County Records; <br />running thence along the said line of Washington Avenue, north 28° <br />west 130 feet; thence at right angles, southwesterly 12 feet; thence <br />at right angles parallel with said line of Washington Avenue, south- <br />easterly 130 feet; and thence at right angles northeasterly 12 feet <br />to the point of beginning. <br />