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OFFI. "E OF THE <br />CITY MANAGER <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CITY HALL - 835 EAST 14TH STREET <br />SAN LEANDRO, CALIFOHNIA <br />MX 1, W64 <br />Title Insurance i Trust <br />105 Parrott Street <br />Sae Leandro, California <br />Gentlemen s <br />Please refer to your esaraw number 606867, dated April 170 1964, Central <br />Developers, Inc. , Property. <br />lnelasad are the follovingt a City varrout in the am ust of U vR59. d0, <br />an Option and legal desortptiorn (LD 64..12) of the property being conveyed# <br />and a signed but undated oertifisate of authorisation by the City Clerk <br />accepting the deed on behalf of the City. full price of the property being <br />taken is $29169.00- $20.00 having been paid to the owner at the tiao of taking <br />the option. <br />Will you please prepare a grant deed describing the optioned property, <br />conveying title from Central Developers, Inc., to the City of Ben Leandro, a <br />Musiotipal Corporation. The reference in the option to the Opbionor installing <br />curbs, gutters, and sidewalks„ is sufficiently of record in the Option and <br />should aft be included in the dead. By separate copy of this letter I an re- <br />questing the present owner to contact ,you to sign the deed. Upon recordation <br />of the deed and Issuance of the policy of title insurance, shoring title vested <br />In the City free and clear of ell encumbrances, you are authorised to deliver <br />paynont to the persons entitled thereto. In this regard, it is noted that <br />there may be deeds of #crust on the property. Please secure partial "convey- <br />ances as necessary. Takeo are to be prorated as of the elate of recording the <br />deed. <br />Please have the deed recorded and returned to L. 1, Alotrdan, City Massacres <br />Office, City Mall, San Leandro, Califersia. Please mom a note of this lost <br />instruction an the book at the deed. Also, send title insurance and closing <br />statessent to the City Vlansgeres Office. <br />If you have sage questions, Please contact ase <br />very truly yours e <br />LIM sob L. 1. Riordan <br />cos Central Developers, Inc. <br />Finance Officer <br />r City Clark <br />Public Works Director <br />� (/. k'->I <br />