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OFFI E OF THE <br />CITY MANAGES <br />CITY OF SAN I EANDRO <br />CITY HALL- 835 EAST 14TH STREET <br />SAN LEANDRO. CALIFORNIA <br />My1,19" <br />Title Insurance t Trust Company <br />103 Parrett Street <br />San Leandro, California <br />Geatlemena <br />Please refer to your escrow auWbor 606866, dates April 1T, 1964s <br />Ban Leandro Equipment Rental Bernice, Ina.m property. <br />Enclosed are the followings a City warrant In the amount of $11,990.000 <br />an option and legal description (YID 64-14) of the property being conveyed, <br />and a signed but undated certificate of authorisation by the City Clerk <br />accepting the deed on behalf of the City. Full price of the property being <br />taken is 629000-$10000 having been paid to the owner at the time of taking <br />the Option. <br />Will you please prepare a great deed describing the optimal proporty, <br />conveying title from San Leandro Hquipment Rental Service, Inc., to the <br />City of San Leandro, a !Municipal Corporation. The referonce is the option <br />to the Optioner installing, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, is sufficiently of <br />retied in the option and should not be included in the deed. By separate <br />eW of this letter I an requesting the present owner to contact you to sign <br />tW mood. Upon recordation of the deed and issuance of the policy of title <br />iusuvaeol, showing title rested in the City free and clear of all onoumbranees, <br />you are authorized to deliver payment to the persons entitled thereto. In <br />this regard, vo will accept title subject to the Flood Central ouement. It <br />Is noised from the preliainary title report that than may be a deed of trust <br />as the property. Will you please secure partial reconveyanee as necessarye <br />Taxes are to be prorated as of the date of recording the deed. <br />Please have the deed recorded and returned to L. S. Riordan, City <br />Manager's Office, City Hall, San Leandro, California. Please make a note of <br />this last instruction on the back of the dead. Also, send title insurance and <br />closing statement to the City Manager's Office. <br />If you have any questions, please contact se. <br />veerrytralr y <br />LBR soh L B. lKae" <br />ccu B.L. Squipment Rental <br />Finance Officer <br />City Clerk <br />Public works Director <br />