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FORM NO. 813 <br />SCHEDULE B—Continued <br />Commencing at the intersection of the southwesterly line of the <br />100-foot wide basic right of way of said Central Pacific Railroad <br />Company (now Southern Pacific Company) with the line dividing the land <br />(formerly) of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith and Land (formerly) of Mrs. Mary <br />J. Knox, as said intersection is described in said deed; thence along <br />the last mentioned line South 47' 22' West 30 feet to its intersection <br />with the northeastern line of as trip of land, 20 feet wide, known <br />as Chapman Road, conveyed by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith to the County of <br />Alameda by deed dated March 12, 1897, recorded March 22, 1897, in <br />Book 625 of Deeds, page 89 Alameda County Records; thence along the <br />last mentioned line South 420 38' East 327.12 feet to its intersection <br />with a non -tangent curve concave to the west having a radius of 32.00 <br />.feet and a central angle of 690 06' 32", a radial line to last <br />said intersection bears South 480 53' 28' East) and the actual point <br />of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; thence along <br />e as mentioned curve northeasterly, northerly and northwesterly <br />38.60 feet to a tangent line which is parallel to the southwestern <br />line of Washington Avenue, formerly County Road leading from <br />San Leandro to Lorenzo, and distant 12.00 feet, measured at <br />right angles, southwesterly therefrom; thence along the said <br />parallel line North 280 00" West 10.00 feet to its intersection <br />with the aforementioned southwesterly line of the 100-foot wide basic <br />right of way (formerly) of Central Pacific Railroad Company; thence <br />along the last mentioned line South 420 38' East 47.50 feet to the <br />aforesaid southwestern line of Washington Avenue; thence along the <br />last mentioned line South 280 00' East 118.75 feet to a point in the <br />aforesaid northeastern line of Chapman Road, said point being 80 <br />feet southwesterly, measured at right angles, from the original <br />located center line of the said Centeral Pacific Railroad Company's <br />(now Southern Pacific Company's) main track, Oakland to Niles; thence <br />alaZ the said northeastern line of Chapman Road North 420 38' West <br />129.00 feet to the actual point of beginning. , <br />The above described parcel of land contains 2405 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />