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RECORDING REQUESTED BY <br />REJ 725 1M- 58 <br />AY32537 <br />AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br />Nome The City of San Leandro <br />Street Office of the City Manager <br />Address City Hall <br />Clsiea ISan Leandro, California <br />MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO <br />RETURName N ADDRESS ABOVE <br />Street <br />Address <br />City & <br />State r <br />SL607762 <br />E-34 ARB 17 <br />RECORDED 9t REQUE5. _. <br />Ttle Insurance & Tr:.,ct Co.: <br />P3 9:30 A.0, <br />MAR 1 q 1966 <br />OFFq=l= RECORD.9 OF, <br />ALAM29A COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />:JACK G. BLUE <br />DCOUNTY RECORDER <br />/L <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />AFFIX I.R.S. $..... NIQUE... IN THIS SPACE <br />Grant Deed <br />TO 405 C THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY <br />FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />FRANCIS EARL BOLTON AND THELMA K. BOLTON, his wife <br />hereby GRANT(S) to <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation <br />the following described real property in the City of San Leandro <br />County of Alameda , State of California: <br />BEING a portion of the parcel of land described in the Deed of Trust betwee <br />Francis Earl Bolton and Thelma K. Bolton, his wife, Trustor, Oakland Title <br />Insurance Co., Trustee, and Hayward Poultry Producers Federal Credit <br />Union, Beneficiary, recorded March 28, 1956 in Book 7980, O.R., Page 468 <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a_point on the Southwestern line of Washington Avenue, distant <br />along said line south 270 30' east 115 feet from the southeastern line of <br />West Avenue 141, as said avenues existed February 1, 1961; thence along <br />said southwestern line of Washington Avenue south 2'To 30' east 185 feet to <br />the southeastern line of the above mentioned parcel of land; thence along <br />the last mentioned line south 620 30' West 12.00 feet to a line parallel wi h <br />the said southwestern line of Washington Avenue and 12.00 feet, measured at <br />right angles, southwesterly therefrom; thence along said parallel line <br />north 270 30' west 185 feet to the northwestern line of the above mentioned <br />parcel of land; thence along the last mentioned line north 62° 30' east <br />12.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 2,220 square feet, more or less. <br />1 -. '1-0 • • •' A . ■ <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COUNTY OF Alameda SS. <br />On March 11, 19 before me, the under- <br />signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared <br />Fr,gn(,J_s Earl Rol ton and <br />Thelma K. Dolton <br />, known to me <br />to be the person S whose name S ar�ilbscribed to the within <br />instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. <br />WITNES"'y. hand d official seal. <br />i ' <br />Signature <br />F. E. Hofma <br />Name (Typed or Printed) <br />My commission expires: May 18, 1968 <br />�'�0�000 <br />-`4 F. E. HOrMANN <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />ALAMEDA CO., CALIFORNIA <br />(This area for official notarial seal) <br />Title Order No. _Escrow or Loan No <br />