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101- 3 <br />(COPY) <br />THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS <br />OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA i <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />L2 <br />RESOLUTION No._ <br />w1HFRI�.A'y, certain real property situate in the City of isn Leandro, Count,' of Alamedar <br />State of Lalifornia, acid Tore particularly describes under the following- account numbers <br />8W-1541-70-2 ALL `- Rt ry �* , <br />is now subject to a. lien for uncollected tars or assessments and penalties or costs theroon; <br />and <br />�iHM-AS, after the tine said taxes or assessments and penalties mid costs thereon bacam <br />a lien on said real property, it Was acquired by the City of 3a,, Leandro as shorn, on that <br />certain deed duly rocorled in the of Y'ice of the County recorder of Alarreda Coutatry, and iecause <br />of such public ownership is not subject to sale 'or delir.nuaent taxes; and <br />TI PI" ^.ASi the City of. San Leandro has requested the cancellation of said uncollected taxes <br />and assessments end penalties and costs thereon now a lien upon the here.inabove described real <br />property; <br />NOW) 'rIT7I> C"Pr.$ BL I? 7rIOLVM-f ffr, OP-DIMM, by this Board of Supervisors, with the written <br />con not of the District Attorney of -the County of Alawda, and the written consent of the Git;yr <br />Attorney of the City o" San Leandro, that the County Auditor be and he is hereby ordered and <br />directed to cancel any and all uncollected taxes or assessments and penalties or costs therson, <br />now a lire upon the above described parcel of reel property; provided, however, that this <br />resolution and order shall not be construed as making or authorizing the cancellation of any <br />taxes or assessments or penalties or costs thereon, charged or levied on any possessory interest <br />in or to s9i.d parcel of real property, or any special assessment le -lied on said parcel of rY:al <br />prope rty; and <br />BE 11" FLUDIER 7iF3OLYFII AND ORDERED that if said nnrcel of real property has been sold to <br />the State for nonpaymrt of any of said taxes, and a certificate of sale or teed therefor has <br />beren issued to they State, and t .e date has not disposed of the property so sold, the County <br />Auditor be and he is hereby or.lered and directed to cwical the certificate or sale or deed so <br />issued; and <br />BE IT PURTHY VF ac.1TED that pursuant to the provisions of e ction s 13L t 2921.5 and 4986 <br />of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the Aaditor is hereby authorised and directed to transfer <br />uncollected taxes and penalties t nereon from the "Secured '?oll" to the "Unsecurc?d poll". <br />CCU IMIT (T THE CITY ATTORbv Y GF `iiV, CITY OF <br />SATE LE,AhDRDp COUNTY QF ALAVEDA, STATE OF CALIf"i PNIA <br />The City Attorney of the City of San Leandro, t;ounty of Alameda, State of Gauliforr_iru, <br />hereby consents to the cancellation of all uncollected city taxes or assessments and penalties <br />or costs ther.-Pon, charged or levied and now a lien upon 'the property hereinabove described, <br />and as shoe -in on that certain deed duly recorded in the or -'ice o-r the County `?ecorder of A1medn <br />C o, <br />A?ri r?UI? i1. C.P.D I1, <br />C ty Attomey or t e ity of 3an Leandro, <br />Gounty of Al.wsda, State of California. <br />By <br />Asst. City Attorney forte City of Sar Leandro,, <br />County of Alameda, State of California. <br />CONSE 7 OF THS DISTPICT ATTORNEY ;,r THE <br />COUNTY tr, ALAMF'DA, STATE of CALIFOrvIA <br />The District Attorney of the County of. Alameda, State of California, hereby corserts to <br />the cam^ellation of all uncollected county taxes or assessments And penalties or costs ti-rreon, <br />charged or levied arrd now a lien upon the property here:inaboves described and as shown on that <br />certain deed duly recorded in the office of the county 'Recorder of Alameda Crnu:ty, <br />J. F. COAKIFT <br />District Attorney In and for the County of <br />Alameda.. State of California. <br />By J. A. M <br />Depu e c torney an orthe <br />Coup Alameda, State of �,alirornia. <br />