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April 27, 1961 <br />Board of Supervisors <br />Court House <br />Oakland, California <br />Qentlemens <br />'•Till you iodndly cancel the taxes on the follow property: <br />80 1-Ml-70-2 a^sessed to Arena 0. Krupp and deed to the <br />City of "an Leandro, recorded on July 19, 1960, REs 128, <br />r4: 51, official Records of Alameda Co., Calif. <br />Attgched are copies of the ley <br />a7 description . <br />This is a very small strip of land and we overlooked request- <br />ing cancellation of taxes sooner* <br />v exy t raly your e, <br />EMILY M. SI` MON <br />Acting City Clerk <br />Encle. <br />/a <br />