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•-r <br />August 10, 1961 <br />Jack G. Blue, County Clerk <br />Alameda County Court House <br />12th and Fallon Sts., <br />Oakland, Calif ornia <br />Dear Mr. Blue: <br />Enclosed are five certified copies of Resolution #4629 C. M.S . , <br />resolution approving agreement (.County of Alameda), together <br />erith five copies of the Agreement pertaining to the purchase <br />of pMperty sold to the State, Sale No. 191509 (Seq. 2), 1954, <br />Assessor's rode 80-H-1541-15 (formerly 80-11-1526-6-2) . <br />Will you kindly return one copy to me when fully executed by the <br />County? <br />Very truly yours, <br />F.ICHARD H. !,,EST <br />City Clerk <br />Encl s . 5 <br />/s <br />